The Manual Therapy is an application which concerns physiotherapists and manual therapists and it is based on clinical reasoning that was developed from Geoffrey Douglas Maitland. It is kind of continuous evaluation which allows the therapist to be informed on when and why a certain technic is applied and even how is being adapted on each individual clinical case. Also, studies have been done concerning the clinical reasoning from other sources as well.

The fact is that as in Greece as in the rest of the countries, physiotherapists are taking into consideration important knowledge especially in the Schools of manual therapy. But it also happens that all the useful tools are not always being put to practice by the therapists.

The manual therAPPist was created in order to help the therapist so that he can gather all the information from the examination of a patient making a personal medical file.

That is where he can record the personal information, the subjective examination, the objective examination, the diagnostical tests and the progress of the therapies resulting in the improvement of the success’ rates of a treatment plan which is based on the correct survey of information.

This is an ideal tool for a physiotherapist who wants to learn how to elicit information for the patient’s problem and who is interested in the individual treatment of the patient.

From 2009-2013 I attended the circle of seminars of Maitland. This was the reason to change my way of thinking as a therapist and to become a loyal follower of manual therapy.

When the first tablet was in my hands in February 2012, I visualized an application through which the therapist will be able to pass every information electronically and so I started to design it. After a few months, I met Michael Hourdakis, who along with his knowledge in PC gave form to this vision. A year after, in our team was jointed a good friend and colleague Valentinos Sassanis who took over the scientific advice and translation and he helped significantly in the progress of the application. Maria Asimaki the 4th member of the team curated the graphic designs.

This application, I would like to dedicate it to one of my mentors in manual therapy, who was the inspirer for me, Kevin Banks. Kevin was an internationally prestigious manual therapist. He was also the author and writer of the project of Geoff Maitland. He was President of International Organism Maitland. He died on November 14th 2013 after a short disease at the age of 54.

I anticipate and wish the manual therAPPist to be a useful help for the therapists.

George Tentzerakis PT,MT




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