The human body is flooded on a daily basis with toxins, either dietary or emotional. This entire burden accumulates in the large intestine, anything that we do not want to exist in our lives ends up there. The colon is the second brain of the body, so there is a direct connection to the emotions both positive and negative with the corresponding symptoms each time.
Again, 2,500 years ago, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said “everything starts from the intestine”. This means that each person's health level depends on how clean his gut is. This revelation led Hippocrates to apply colon cleansing methods, aiming to improve the sufferer’s health.
By looking back into history, it is worth mentioning that those who first studied the importance of the healthy colon and its interaction with the other systems were Egyptian doctors 2,500 years before Hippocrates. They strongly supported colon cleansing by treating people who had health problems but also in situations where they wanted to achieve detoxification. It is therefore perceived that this is an ancient method of treatment and detoxification of the human body.
Over the years, many scientists have been systematically involved with the large intestine. Typically, Russian scientist Elie Metchnikoff received the Nobel Prize in 1908 after discovering how intestinal toxins affect and infect the body. At the same time Sir. Warbuthnot Lane found that bowel function was the source of many health problems due to the retention of toxins, while John Kellogg pointed out the importance of correct hygiene. Kellogg initially introduced the philosophy of healthy, fibre-based foods and applied colon cleansing, aiming at addressing various health problems (whether associated with surgery or various medication).
Returning to today, the fact is that on a daily basis is that at least 50% of the population is facing all kinds of problems with the large intestine.
The main causes are diet and anxiety. Our diet tends to become more acidic due to processed foods. The acidic content erodes the protective cells of the epithelium, so the wall then inflames and overproduces mucus onto which the toxins are attached. The transfer of toxins to the rest of the body is through the capillaries and the leaching phenomenon, resulting in infection.
Stress, and other negative emotions such as fear, tension and constant anguish, significantly affects good bowel function. In particular, the mechanical action of anxiety eliminates all probiotic-friendly bowel bacteria that are responsible for maintaining healthy flora and intestinal balance. Each man has around 500 species of bacteria in his gut, which regulate and maintain the tissue flora balanced. So, imagine what could happen to the body when these bacteria do not exist!
The effects of anxiety and poor nutrition are the occurrence of diseases such as allergies, dermatological problems, arthritis, food intolerances, inflammation of the genitourinary system, autoimmune diseases, digestive and intestinal disorders.
The two major damage factors are overturned due to colon hydrotherapy. It is a patient friendly and safe method for the body of deep detoxification and cleansing of the intestine, yielding only positive results, promoting optimum functioning of the whole body.
In conclusion, the benefits we receive from detoxification of the body through the method of colon hydrotherapy are the following:
- Improvement of digestive function.
- Strengthening of the immune system as 80% of the immune cells are in the colon.
- Enhancing good psychology. Most of the serotonin (a hormone responsible for happy emotions) is found in the colon cells.
- Deep detoxification of the body from heavy metals, chemical toxicity, fungi and toxins.
- Helps maintain hormonal balance.
- It regulates metabolism.
- Relief from digestive diseases (irritable bowel syndrome, flatulence, colitis, gastroesophageal reflux).
- Increases energy and concentration.
- Balancing the intestinal flora.