Phillipos Kouvatsos lives and works in Athens and at the same time is also an active scientific associate of MTS Centre.
- 2002-2006: graduated from Harokopeio University of Athens Department of Science of Diet and Nutrition.
SEMINARS - 2009: Academy of ancient Greek and Chinese Medicine: Annual series of seminars in Hippocratic Nutrition.2008: Academy of ancient Greek and Chinese Medicine: a 6 month series of seminars in Western Herbal Therapy.
- 2008: Academy of ancient Greek and Chinese Medicine: a 6 month series of seminars in Chinese herbal therapy.
English at FCE level (Cambridge)
- 2012-2013: Lecturer in two 6 month semesters of seminars titled “Therapeutic Food” and “Therapeutic Herbs” from the publisher Ars Nova. The seminar was aimed at people over 18 year of age.
- 2010-2015: Runs 2 personal dietary practices in Koropi and in Peania Attica.
- 2009-2010: Scientific associate at Thermae spa
- 2008-2015: Creator and administrator of the educational website and E-shop
- 2008: Scientific partner / associate of the dairy company FAGE.
- 2005-2006:Practical experience at the following hospitals: Red Cross, General Public «Gennimatas», Tzaneio and Sismanoglio.