Sotirios Antonopoulos was born and raised in Lamia and he is married to Eleni Grapsiti and is the father of five children, Georgios, Stylianos, Panteleimon, Eirini and Maria. He is an Osteopath D.O (Ο.S.D.), Chiropractor (A.I.S.), Physical Therapist, Colon Hydrotherapist, FDM Practitioner and Infrared Thermography Specialist. He has inspired MTS (Manual Therapy System), applying the methods, principles and philosophy of Manual therapy system of man as a whole. To accomplish this, along with his associate Akis Zomenos, in 2015, they successfully founded the MTS centre, the largest centre of holistic treatment in Greece and one of the best equipped in Europe. Inspired by his teacher Irini Iatridou and after a four-year learning period with her he noted the treatments and therapies of the Hippocratic Practicing physicians of Trapezounta establishing in 2015 the MTs (Mikrasiatiki Trapezountios)Therapy, attempting to show the therapeutic value of the hand. Since 2019 he is an official Instructor of the MTs (Mikrasiatiki Trapezountios)Therapy at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, as the only author and presenter of the Method.
- 2020: Infrared Thermography Specialist in the field of health and sports - ThermoHuman Certificate - Madrid (Spain)
Title: Specialist in the application of Infrared Thermography in the fields of Health and Sports - 2019 - now: Instructor of the MTs (Mikrasiatiki Trapezountios)Therapy at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- 2017 – 2018: Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) Certificate
Title: FDM Practitioner - 2012 - 2017: Osteopath Schule Deutschland, Hamburg
Title: Osteopath D.O. - 2015: Ackermann College Sweden – Stockholm
Title: Master of Chiropractic - 2015: International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT), San Antonio / USA.
Title: Colon Hydrotherapist - 2014: Ackermann College Sweden – Stockholm / Structural Osteopathy and Soft Chiropractic
Title: Chiropractor of Ackermann's Method - 2008 - 2012: Irini Iatridou / Practitioner, learning, establishment and foundation of Mikrasiatiki Trapezountios Therapy.
Title: Mikrasiatiki Trapezountios (MTs) Therapist - 2005: ATEI Lamia Technical College Health and Welfare. Department: Physical Therapy.
Title: Physical Therapist. Honours degree: 8.50 (excellent)
- 15/11/10 - 25/2/2016: Physiotherapist at PEDY, Lamia Health Unit, with home visits to patients with Greek NHS
- 7/5/08 - 14/11/10: Physiotherapist in a permanent position at the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation of the 2nd Hospital of IKA - ETAM Thessaloniki «THE PANAGIA»
- 20/11/06 - 4/5/08: Associate at the Modern Physiotherapy Lab of Mr. Anargyros Zomenos at 48 Othonos Street, Lamia working in particular with chronic cases and athletic rehabilitation
- 7/3/07 - 4/5/08: Physiotherapist for the volley ball team at Lamia Gymnastics Association at level A1
- 15/11/06 - 6/5/08: Worked as a self-employed physiotherapist within patients own homes.
- 3/4/06 - 3/8/06: National Service (army) worked as a physiotherapist at the 496th Didymoteicho Military Hospital.
- 13/12/2005: Licensing to practice Physiotherapist
- 1/4/05 - 30/9/05: Practical experience at Lamia General Hospital
- Therapeutic Pilates ( tuition Theodoros Karkalakos ), Title : Clinical Pilates Instructor
- Kinetic Control Movement Dysfunction Course - Diagnosis of Mechanical Neck Pain & Functional Stability Retraining (tuition Grete Mellingen-Homstol MSc)
- Kinetic Control Movement Dysfunction Course - Diagnosis of Mechanical Back Pain Subgroups & Stability Retraining of the Lumbar Spine (tuition Sarah Mottram MSc MCSP MMACP)
- Kinetic Control Movement Dysfunction Course - Understanding Movement and Function (tuition Sarah Mottram MSc MCSP MMACP)
- Spinal Cervical Spine (Hellenic Scientific Society for Physiotherapy)
- Ergon Technique® IASTM ( Instrument-Assisted Soft-Tissue Mobilization techniques using special equipment).
Title: Ergon Therapist - Manual Lymph Drainage ad modum Vodder, (tuition Dr. Ch. Schuchhardt MD, Oncologist-Lymphologist, Hans Pritschow, Certified Instructor in MLD / CDT). Workshop
- Lymphoma binding using Mobiderm, (tuition Maryvonne Chardon-Bras teaching, Physiotherapist Ms in Lymphatic Disease, Athanasios Giannoukas, Professor of Vascular Surgery, University of Thessaly) Larissa University Hospital
- Herbal Therapy: Principles and therapeutic methods, (tuition Kouvatsos Phillip).
- Award of three cholarships from the State Scholarship Foundation for performance in studies during the academic years 2001-2002 (1st course), 2003-2004 (3rd course), 2004-2005 (4th course).
- Unique honors graduate of the academic year 2005-2006.
- Excellence Award from the Greek Scientific Company of Physiotherapy as the first graduate of Physiotherapy Department of Lamia Technical College for the academic year 2005-2006.
- Scholarship awarded for Foreign Studies from the State Scholarship Foundation after written exams in 2007.
- My Academic Dissertation entitled "Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Various Physiotherapeutic Approaches in the Rehabilitation of Cervicobrachial Neuralgia of Mechanical Origin" is the first systematic review that took place at dissertation level at Physiotherapy Technical College in Greece, and for the first worldwide systematic review that dealt with this particular subject,and was rated with excellent grade 10.
- Award from the Greek Volley ball Federation for achieving 4th place in the Hellenic Volleyball Championship A1 in 2007-2008 as physiotherapist of the Lamia Gymnastics Association team, the best place ever achived by a team from Central Greece from all the team sports.
- Ranking 10 (100%) of my diploma dissertation at the German Osteopathic School on "Review of the Osteopathic Approach to the Common Cold".
- Lecture on 26 November 2005 on my Academic Dissertation entitled "Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Various Physiotherapeutic Approaches in the Rehabilitation of Cervicobrachial Neuralgia of Mechanical Origin" at the annual Panhellenic Physiotherapy Conference at the Athens War Museum.
- Lecture on 12 May 2007 on my Academic Dissertation entitled "Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Various Physiotherapeutic Approaches in the Rehabilitation of Cervicobrachial Neuralgia of Mechanical Origin" at the 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference of Students of Physiotherapy at ATEI of Lamia.
- Lecture on June 25, 2016, at postgraduate students of Nursing, Logotherapy and Physiotherapy at ATEI of Western Greece, in the framework of the Interdisciplinary Program "Rehabilitation Sciences", entitled "Philosophy and the practices of the Manual Therapy System based on Mikrasiatiki Trapezountios Therapy in the holistic approach of patients ".
- Lecture on November 15, 2018, in the Nursing Department of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, on the subject "The lymphatic approach of Mikrasiatiki Trapezountios (MTs) therapy", within the framework of the supplementary therapies of the Professor of Nursing Surgery, Mr. Eleni Theodosopoulou.
- 2012: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Faculty of Theology
Title: Graduate of the Department of Theology - Theologian - 2015: Lamia School of Performing Arts / Faculty of Byzantine Music
Title: Graduate Music Instructor of Byzantine Music
- Excellent Knowledge of English Language
- Certification of ECDL Computer Knowledge
- Graduate of the Computer Science and Computer Engineering Department "ATHINAIKI"
- Panhellenic Association of Physiotherapists
- Panhellenic Association of Osteopaths
- World Association of Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT), San Antonio / USA
- Ackermann College Network
- European Fascial Distortion Model Association (EFDMA)